14.05.21 Mehr Fisch- und Pflanzenarten an der Donau & Abstimmung für INADAR bei den LIFE Awards der EU

Mehr Fisch- und Pflanzenarten an der Donau: ODK, LEW Wasserkraft und weitere Partner schließen das Pilotprojekt „INADAR“ zur ökologischen Dammsanierung erfolgreich ab. Der Monitoring-Bericht bestätigt positive Auswirkungen auf Flora und Fauna. Zudem ist das Projekt für die LIFE-Awards der EU nominiert – Interessierte können bis 2. Juni für INADAR abstimmen. Mehr Informationen finden Sie hier.

13.04.2021 LIFE Awards Nomination

We are happy to announce that INADAR has been voted among the top 15 best projects and is nominated for the EU’s LIFE Awards 2021 in the environment category! The winners are selected by an expert jury and announced on the day of the ceremony, which takes place on June 2, 2021, during the EU Green Week – Europe’s biggest environmental event. In addition, INADAR is nominated for the “LIFE Citizens’ Prize”. Everyone can vote for INADAR online between 6 May to 2 June, 2021.

3.11.2017 Completion of the construction works of the eco-berms at Oberelchingen

Meanwhile, the construction works of the eco-berms were also finished at the site of Oberelchingen. What looks desolate nowadays will be adopted by the nature in the future years and create habitats for many endangered species. For people looking for recreation the Danube will be accessible again at these areas and the diverse structures of the riverbanks will invite to linger. Within the next year the first plants will already settle down.


07.05.2017 Opening of the eco-berm in Oberelchingen

Inauguration of the eco-berm under participation and greetings of Mr Markus Ferber

Gallery-Walk: various stations of the Life project INADAR supported by the project partners

Greetings from Schürmann (LEW-board member), Herrn Markus Ferber (MEP), Rudolf Escheu (Head of section),


Einweihung der Öko-Berme mit Teilnahme und Grußworten von Herrn Markus Ferber

Gallery-Walk: diverse Stationen zum Life-Projekt INADAR, betreut durch Projektpartner

Grußworte von Norbert Schürmann (LEW-Vorstandsmitglied), Herrn Markus Ferber (MdEP), Rudolf Escheu (MDirig),

Elchingen April 7, 2017

The dam at the site of Oberelchingen is changing from a lifeless concrete edge to a biotope. On April 7, 2017 the construction progress of the measure was visited by the municipal council of Elchingen. Until autumn 2017 the dam will be remediated with eco-berms. Additionally, stone dams, deadwood, hydraulic building blocks and rhizomes will be attached and islands will be created in order to improve the ecological situation. Within the created habitats a new biodiversity of plants, animals, fish and amphibians shall settle down.